

Make Amazon an arbitrage-friendly zone. With a few hours of work per week, and these five tips from our blog, you can quickly set yourself up with an income of a few thousand bucks a month or more! Know anything cooler than that?


The first and most important task for beginners is to familiarize themselves with the rules of selling on Amazon. Start at this page, and work your way ahead. Knowing the rules of the game before you begin to play will save you the cost of learning by error, later on.

If in doubt, ask away! Join a sellers' forum and have your doubts cleared by those who have walked before you.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Amazon changes the rules frequently, and the savvy seller must find ways to stay updated. Often there …

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How to Optimize Your Amazon Product Listings for 2016 - Amazon Marketing

How To Rise To The Top Of Amazon's Search Results By Optimizing Your Amazon Product Listings For 2016 - Amazon SEO

So all of you are reading this big title above and thinking "What does optimizing your Amazon listing have to do with MY Amazon business"? You are in the business of selling brand name products under Amazon product listings that are already created. You are fiercely competing for that oh-so-precious "Buy Box" under that listing. That is why you are here reading about Seller Republic's repricing software, right? Well if you are already involved in E-commerce by wholesale or retail arbitrage, you know how new ideas can spring about at any given moment. You can be successful at selling brand name goods at low prices under already created listings…, but what if you ever wanted to expand your Amazon business by listing your own brand name products? …

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The Best Social Media Tools of 2016

A quick Internet search will reveal that there are almost more social media tools than there are One Direction fans, and the number is growing each day. As a business owner, there is a pressing need to reach your target demographic by surfing the social media wave, but are your efforts oriented in the right direction? Not only must you contend with a vast number of competitors, but also with the ever decreasing attention spans of consumers. Is your content viral or a virus?

Top Social Media Tools

Here are 10 of our favorite social media tools that can help you make a difference:


Buffer can be used for scheduling and sharing your posts to LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and Facebook throughout the day – at optimal times. It's a simple tool, and it includes detailed analytics that will tell you what is working when, why, and where. Its best …

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Top Tools for Amazon Sellers

Learn how the Pro's Turbo Charge their Amazon Businesses

Selling on Amazon can be a lucrative full time business or something that you do part-time to earn extra money. Anyone who has attempted to sell a product on Amazon knows how time consuming the process can be. Everything from finding a good product to sell to calculating potential profits can eat away at valuable hours of your time that could be spent growing your online business. Below we will show you some top tools for Amazon sellers.

Automation Tools for Amazon

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is the go-to software for Amazon FBA private label sellers. To be clear from the start we will be talking about 2 separate tools that Jungle Scout offers. They work very well together, so most purchase both.

Finding the right niche and product to sell on Amazon can be a daunting task. Jungle Scout …

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What is an Amazon Repricing Tool - The Definitive Guide of how they Shape Product Pricing and Sales Volumes on Amazon!

What is an Amazon Repricing Tool - The Background and Basics

Although some buyers may not realize it, when you buy something from Amazon very rarely are you buying from Amazon directly. Amazon is know as a marketplace and most listings being sold are actually third party sellers who have been given permission to sell on the platform, although Amazon do sell there themselves too. The retailers apart from Amazon are a bit like market sellers in a fruit and veg market, you may say you buy your fruit and veg from X market but in reality you are buying your fruit from X seller or X sellers at X market.

On a huge marketplace like Amazon, buyers can find multiple sellers for almost any product. Shoppers compare different products as they compare features, specifications, reviews and prices before making a final decision on which product to buy. …

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How to Sell More Effectively on Amazon

So, you sell on Amazon. Perhaps you are thinking about trying. Maybe you've tried but haven't been met with much success. Welcome to the pro league. Amazon repricing might seem like a fabled silver bullet, a too good to be true solution to a universal challenge. In fact, a far better analogy would be the AK-47. It is the ubiquitous tool that any self respecting Marketplace seller relies upon for the day to day tightrope walk that is staying profitable and relevant amidst heavy competition.

What is an Amazon Repricing Tool?

Repricing is to Amazon sellers, as sniping is to ebay buyers. If you've ever waited for the last few seconds of an eBay auction to place your bid, you are an eBay sniper. If you've ever used an online sniping tool to do it for you, you've achieved the same result with less work and less room …

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How to Choose an Amazon Repricer

At Seller Republic we have personally tested many of our competitors in order to develop what we aim to be the ultimate repricer. Although there is a lot to app development the basic points below may help you with your search for a repricer whether it is us or a competitor.

Main Differences between Repricers:

The main differences are ease of use, reliability, price, in-built pricing rules, advanced features like being able to exclude certain sellers i.e. FBA or non FBA and the ability for the repricer to intelligently reprice up as well as down (this is vital as it is the way you increase profits at the same time as increasing sales).

Web Based vs. Downloadable Program: You may also notice that some repricers are downloadable programs rather than being web based. By the very nature of Amazon being an online business in the cloud it …

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