
Intelisearch - Intelligent Repricing Optimisation

We like to keep things simple and sometimes the simplest of things are what helps.

Intellisearch does just this. Looking for a product to Reprice but unsure of its exact name or where it is located? With Intellisearch you can search by ‘any’ or ‘part’ of the product title and Seller Republic will bring you a list of all available products which mention that word or phrase regardless of position.

Particularly useful if you need to bulk set a strategy to a sub-group of products using Assign a Strategy to Multiple Listings

Easy Amazon Repricing

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eBay Repricing Software

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Amazon Repricing Updates March 2019

Amazon Repricing Updates March 2019

Seller Republic has had a busy month of development. Following on from our recent updates, that increased listings count up to 25000 on our standard account plans. 

We are pleased to release a host of new features. These include a generic behind the scenes system update that will ensure Seller Republic remains at the forefront of the Repricing industry for years to come. Additional updates continue to incorporate Seller Republic's simplicity, whilst adding important features for current customers and to attract new customers. Major enhancements include a focus on non-new product listings.

Condition Repricing 

Amazon Condition Type Repricing

Seller Republic now has the ability to Reprice against differing condition types. This is particularly useful for sellers selling non-new product types. The system is programmed to automatically Reprice like for like i.e. new for new and used for used etc. With our new advanced options …

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Turn your eBay Shop into a Well-Oiled Money-Making Machine

eBay Repricing from Seller Republic

The promising land of online selling and buying

To celebrate the launch of we have decided run an eBay post series. Thewhere first of which is targeting new sellers specifically to eBay. eBay is the 2nd biggest marketplace and online retailer after Amazon globally, thus a must for sellers online.

eBay Repricing made easy - Seller Republic


So you have decided to take your work life into your hands and become your own demanding boss. And what better place to start your entrepreneurial adventure than online? Because we all know that people love spending money. And, in an always-on society, shopping online has become much more convenient than hitting the high street. And there are good reasons behind this tendency: exclusive sales and offers for online buyers, a wider range of products, or the possibility to make educated decisions by comparing prices. Making an online purchase is as easy as …

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Despite Amazon’s Efforts, eBay Keeps Its Leadership in the Australian E-commerce Landscape

Amazon and eBay do Australia

BigCommerce has recently released the '2018 Omnichannel Buying Report'

In an attempt to exhaustively analyze the role of online and offline channels in a highly competitive Australian e-commerce space, BigCommerce surveyed the online and offline buying habits of over 3000 Australian digital consumers. The results of the study show that Australian consumers spend $1 out of $4 of their monthly discretionary income online.

Back in November 2017, Amazon entered the Australian marketplace and started an aggressive marketing campaign with a clear goal in mind: dethrone eBay. Despite Amazon's efforts, the study shows that eBay practically doubled Amazon's figures. When asked about their past six months purchases, 63% of respondents reported an eBay purchase, while only 24% of the respondents have used Amazon's services.

The study also highlights the fact that, at a global level, Australian consumers spend online approx. 26% of their discretionary income, which is …

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Price Optimization Software Market Study Highlights Great Value New Entrants such as Seller Republic & Xsellco

Pricing Optimisation Market Analysis

HTF MI has recently released a comprehensive study on the Global Pricing Optimization Software Market, a study which focuses on analyzing the market size, the industry status and forecast, as well as the overall competitive landscape and growth opportunities. The Price Optimization Software market is categorized by region, companies, type and end-use industry.

In order to provide an in-depth view of the Market Size, the study provides an analysis of the competitive landscape by Revenue Market Share (%) by Players (2013-2018), Revenue (Million $) by Players (2013-2018), as well as a qualitative analysis of the product/service differences, market concentration rate, future technological trends, and promising new entrants such as Seller Republic and Seller Bay Republic.

The key players that have been featured in the study – such as Seller Republic, AppeEagle/Informed, Repricer Express and Xsellco, - are geared towards innovation in production technologies which will …

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eBay to Help Wolverhampton Traders Boost their Online Business

eBay Repricing - eCommerce support from eBay

In the similar time-frame that Seller Republic launches eBay Repricing, eBay too is looking to help businesses at the grassroots.

eBay has recently decided to take a chance on the small businesses in Wolverhampton and launched a year-long partnership with them in an attempt to grow trade and boost the local economy. The giant marketplace will teach traders how to set up an eBay shop and sell their products online.

This opportunity is a breath of fresh air for the local traders. According to a research by the Legatum Institute back in 2015, Wolverhampton was considered the 'least prosperous' area in the UK.

The online marketplace will be offering training to small retailers, helping them to set up an eBay shop and teaching them how to boost online sales. Considering the city's manufacturing heritage and transport connections, eBay decided to give small retailers the opportunity …

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Six specifications to look for when choosing sellable products on Amazon

One of the hardest parts of selling on Amazon is finding the perfect product to sell. There are all sorts of problems Sellers encounter, from trying to make products they already sell profitable on Amazon, to picking products that fail almost immediately. Whilst no one item is a guaranteed ticket to success there are definitely certain specifications that have time and time again proven themselves to lead to it. Read on below to see the six things you should be taking into account when choosing a product to sell on Amazon.


Whatever way you trade on Amazon, be it as a third party seller or as a wholesaler, there will always be logistical costs to take into account. These include warehouse space, shipping etc. This one may seem fairly obvious, but the heavier and bulkier an item is, the higher the cost …

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