
Using Amazon’s Biased Algorithms

A recent report by ProPublica seems to have confirmed suspicions that Amazon's proprietary algorithms are weighted towards furthering its own retail business instead of necessarily offering consumers the best value deals. More often than not, Amazon leads customers to Prime-enabled and Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) listings first, meaning independent sellers are less likely to get business for that product.

Amazon Algorithms

ProPublica's report reflects Amazon's incredible growth; as the number of Prime users continues to skyrocket, Amazon has also opened 120 new US based fulfilment centres over the past year. They also currently offering Prime Now in over 30 cities in the US, 9 in the UK and many more worldwide. As it gains even more of the retail share market, it is becoming increasingly essential for sellers to know how to work the system to ensure continued sales.

One such way is by using FBA. Whilst it can have its downsides, …

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Amazon Influencers

When you're an Amazon seller it's important to stay ahead of the curve, but with the market constantly shifting and new technology changing the game, it's not always an easy task.

Thankfully, there are dedicated Amazon influencers whose websites, blogs and social media accounts allow them to pass on their knowledge and keep you at the forefront of the selling game.

Here's our list of the experts that will improve your selling game no end. Amazon Influencers

1. Richard Lazazzara

Who better to tell you about the ups and downs of building a successful eCommerce business then someone who has done it all from scratch themselves? Having also written for ecommerce blog giant Shopify, Richard Lazazzera started off the website A Better Lemonade Stand to document his ecommerce journey and share the information he was learning in the process, but it's now grown into one of them most comprehensive eCommerce sites …

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Perfect Amazon Product Title and Description - Short Guide Writing Style

When it comes to listing a product on Amazon, sellers must keep in mind they are competing with hundreds of other users. Subsequently, in order to stand out from the competition and gain an edge, they must write perfect product titles and descriptions, to attract more consumers and boost sales.

Excellent and unique product titles and descriptions not only provide prospective buyers the info they require, but also increase the chances of them purchasing the item. So, without further ado, let us look at a few tips on how to write perfect Amazon product titles and descriptions.

Amazon Product Descriptions

Writing Product Titles

Basic Elements of Amazon Product Titles

Every Amazon product title should include these four basic elements:

  • Manufacturer/Company/Brand Name
  • Flavor, Variant, or Color
  • Quantity (number of units in your product) and Unit Size (if it is apparel or clothing)
  • Product Name or keyword (to describe what the product actually is)

Best …

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Max Price Reset - Reprice Amazon with Smart Repricing to get the Amazon Buy Box at the Highest Price

Max Price Reset/Scheduled Max Pricing - Get the Amazon Buy Box at the Highest Price in One Click

Continually repricing down has been a bane of Amazon Sellers using Repricers. Although still massively effective at increasing profits, Repricers have had a habit of repricing downwards which was frustrating for users. The problem we get into is that Repricers don't usually price back up. Therefore once they pull your prices down and you get the Buy Box the prices can get stuck there, even when you could still have the Buy Box but at a higher price.

This gets more interesting as research shows that having the Buy Box is the vital thing here, not having the lowest price. So if we can get the Buy Box at a higher price there is a large additional profit to be quickly and easily made.

If the average seller who sells just 20 …

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How Repricing Software Can Give You An Edge In E-Commerce

Any seller who has more SKUs than the number of toes on their right foot knows that manual repricing is a headache. Not only do prices change by the minute, there is a lot more than low price that goes into your success as a seller. Get a repricer to save you time to focus on the truly important stuff – building a relationship with your buyers through follow-up and customer support. Far more economical than hiring a personal assistant, your repricer is the best 'help' that you can get. As your profits and popularity soar, you will watch it pay for itself many times over!

Repricing software requires only the bare minimum input from you. Just enter the relevant details of your stock, plus your desired floor and ceiling prices, and …

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Continuous Repricing

Seller Republic is happy to announce that continuous repricing (also known as instant repricing) is a standard on all accounts regardless of the price plan and at the same price! This ultimately pushes your price changes quicker; get's you the buy box quicker and fundamentally makes you more money.

Amazon Repricing Software

What is Continuous/Instant Repricing?

Unlike much of the competition Seller Republic has stepped ahead in that we are notified of price changes on Amazon instantly and then process and send price updates to Amazon straight away rather than on the 15 minute or hourly rotor that many repricers are stuck to.

The way most repricers work is by checking prices hourly or every 15 minutes. If a price change has been made by a competitor that triggers your pre-set strategy, the repricer submits an updated price to Amazon and they then wait for the price change to be pushed live …

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Make Amazon an arbitrage-friendly zone. With a few hours of work per week, and these five tips from our blog, you can quickly set yourself up with an income of a few thousand bucks a month or more! Know anything cooler than that?


The first and most important task for beginners is to familiarize themselves with the rules of selling on Amazon. Start at this page, and work your way ahead. Knowing the rules of the game before you begin to play will save you the cost of learning by error, later on.

If in doubt, ask away! Join a sellers' forum and have your doubts cleared by those who have walked before you.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Amazon changes the rules frequently, and the savvy seller must find ways to stay updated. Often there are different rules for different product …

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