4 Trends That Will Shape E-Commerce in 2019
Published by Julian Arden in E Commerce Trends, Tendencias Del Comercio Electrónico
In 1994, someone sold a Sting CD to a friend on NetMarket as the first verified e-commerce sale. By 2020, e-commerce sales will top four trillion dollars.
With e-commerce continuing to represent bigger slices of the total retail market, companies are jostling for market shares like never before. E-commerce changes as fast as the internet does; keeping up with trends isn’t the easiest, but a modern website design and clear product descriptions that appear on-trend could land you the winning postings that rack up clicks, stars, and sales.
Here are 4 trends that will shape e-commerce in 2019:
1. B2B Market Solutions to help Smaller E-Commerce Succeed
In traditional retail spaces, if you want to compete with a giant, you open a store next to them or on the other side of town. Competing with e-commerce giants is a different battle entirely. You need …