Amazon Seller Opportunities - How To Maximize Profit This Holiday Season
Published by Julian Arden in E Commerce Holiday Season, Temporada Navideña De Comercio Electrónico
Beginning around this time, sellers will notice a welcome influx in sales.
- Have enough stock starting Black Friday, until the end of January - Be prepared for Cyber Weekend, Christmas & January sales. Make sure your stock can cover this period. Some sellers may triple there business or more over this time.
- Prepare your stock in good time - Suppliers, factories and warehouses are going to have delays over this period. Shipping with couriers can be lengthy and a little more problematic. Plan carefully. Try to analyze last year's sales or your 3-month preceding sales and potentially triple these as a forecast, depending on your niche. You can use Amazon reports to help you do this.
- Carefully watch sales and restock normally slow-selling products selling fast - Watch out for slow-moving products that become big sellers over the Q4 period. When people are buying gifts …