Q1 Dates to Put in the Calendar for 2018
Published by Abbi in Key Ecom Dates, Fechas Clave De Comercio Electrónico
Holidays are always cause for celebration, but in the world of ecommerce they're equally important for sales. Whether it be present giving celebrations that will drive up sales or just a good opportunity to put out holiday related deals, as a seller it's so important to keep track of when these days are and plan accordingly. A hastily put together promotion the day before an event isn't likely to get you much traction. With a bit of forward planning and the help of our Q1 Key dates to put in the calendar you can plan out the perfect promotions and stock to have to make the most of them.
Super bowl Sunday - February 4th
Once an American centric holiday, the rising availability of cross-country television streams, interest in international sports and the pop-culture spectacle of the halftime show that appeals to even non-sports fans, the Super …