Amazon Vendor Central VS. Amazon Seller Central
Published by Julian Arden in Amazon Seller Central, Amazon Vendor Central
Selling on Amazon is always a great way to get your products out there and boost your sales up a notch, but it also gets a bit confusing at times. The globally popular website has two main ways that you can work with: Vendor Center and Seller Center, but you can only pick one. In this article, we'll try to tell you all you need to know about them and show you the differences so you can decide which one would work best for your company.
Amazon Vendor Central & Amazon Seller Central - How are they Different?
Amazon Vendor Central works by an invite-only system and is generally made for the large companies and the popular brands. If you choose to work with Vendor Central, you'll be considered a first-party seller. Where you'll be acting as a supplier and will be selling your products to Amazon in …