
Turn your eBay Shop into a Well-Oiled Money-Making Machine

eBay Repricing from Seller Republic

The promising land of online selling and buying

To celebrate the launch of we have decided run an eBay post series. Thewhere first of which is targeting new sellers specifically to eBay. eBay is the 2nd biggest marketplace and online retailer after Amazon globally, thus a must for sellers online.

eBay Repricing made easy - Seller Republic


So you have decided to take your work life into your hands and become your own demanding boss. And what better place to start your entrepreneurial adventure than online? Because we all know that people love spending money. And, in an always-on society, shopping online has become much more convenient than hitting the high street. And there are good reasons behind this tendency: exclusive sales and offers for online buyers, a wider range of products, or the possibility to make educated decisions by comparing prices. Making an online purchase is as easy as …

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Six specifications to look for when choosing sellable products on Amazon

One of the hardest parts of selling on Amazon is finding the perfect product to sell. There are all sorts of problems Sellers encounter, from trying to make products they already sell profitable on Amazon, to picking products that fail almost immediately. Whilst no one item is a guaranteed ticket to success there are definitely certain specifications that have time and time again proven themselves to lead to it. Read on below to see the six things you should be taking into account when choosing a product to sell on Amazon.


Whatever way you trade on Amazon, be it as a third party seller or as a wholesaler, there will always be logistical costs to take into account. These include warehouse space, shipping etc. This one may seem fairly obvious, but the heavier and bulkier an item is, the higher the cost …

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Everything sellers need to know about Amazon returns

Amazon is well known for having a returns policy that heavily favours the customer which can sometimes lead to uncertainty about what rights Sellers have. There are also distinct protocols for different reasons. These range from the reason an item has been returned to what category the item is under. Another facet is whether they are FBA or FBM. All of this has been made even more complicated by Amazon bringing in new rules for FBM sellers at the end of 2017. Below we will have a look at some of the most common issues and questions Sellers come up against when it comes to returns. For more information on how to deal with Amazon return requests if you're an FBA Seller, check out our blog here.

Unfortunately, it often seems to be the case that when issues arise the best course of action is …

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How to source products from China

China is currently one of the worlds biggest economies and it's only set to become bigger. This is helped by their high rate of manufacturing products for good prices, making it the perfect place to start looking when you are trying to find a supplier for your products. Below are some tips on how to find a great supplier in China.

Building relationships

This is a rule that applies to any supplier, but giving them the respect of cultivating a relationship instead of just looking for the cheapest deal will almost always be beneficial in the long run. However, this is especially true when making deals in the China due to the culture surrounding business transactions.

Rather than seeing it as just a transaction, put in the effort to build a relationship by investing time into it and making it personal. One …

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How to deal with Amazon return requests

As a seller, getting a notification of a return request on Amazon can be incredibly frustrating. As well as thoughts about how to actually fulfil the return request, there are also worries about what was wrong with the product and any negative feedback that may be given.

However frustrating it may seem, it is always important to follow the correct protocol to ensure that both your account doesn't get penalised by Amazon and the customer doesn't leave a negative review. Having great customer service is always critically important and resolving the issue quickly and efficiently will result in people having a positive view of your account and thus more likely to buy with you again.

Here are our tips on how to deal with a return request in the best manner.

Make a record of everything

There's nothing worse than not …

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Automated Pricing Strategy

Sometimes when you go shopping, it is easy to find a product and completely fall in love with it. Only then will you check the price tag and find it's more expensive than you had been willing to pay. You then have to make a snap decision about whether it's worth the money. More often than not, you will likely consider it for a while, give up and then leave the store all together.

However, things are slightly different in the world of online shopping. The price is usually in bold right next to the product and with no tactile option for the item, it is normally the first thing buyers notice and consider. This sets the shoppers expectations and intentions for the product they are looking at.

Once a consumer's interest is piqued by the price, they will then look into other factors, such …

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How to Navigate Amazon's Changing Marketplace

Amazon's marketplace can be difficult to navigate at the best of times, but even more so with its ever changing nature. With new functions, more competitors, interface updates and changes to the Terms of Service, it is becoming more crucial than ever to be in the know. Making sure you consistently analyse your data and adapt accordingly is essential in being able to stay ahead of your competitors and the market.

So, to help you along your way we've put together our top tips:

1. Don't get complacent

Make sure you stay on top of your business strategies. Just because something is working now doesn't mean it will be in the future. Three important things to keep in mind at all times:

  • Explore - Find out what new features Amazon is offering and make sure you take advantage of them. …

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